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Ref No BG576092 Location JAPAN
Chassis # KDH206-8074511 Version/Class 3.0 DX LONG 4WD
Model Code KDH206 Find parts for this model code Mileage 97,000 km
Engine Size 2,980cc Engine Code 1KD
Drive 4wheel drive Steering Right
Transmiss. Automatic Ext. Color White
Registration Year/month 2014/4 Fuel Diesel
Manufacture Year/month - Seats 3
Doors 4

* [Registration Year/month] is a registration date in Japan.

Dimension (L×W×H) 4.69×1.69×1.98 m
M3 15.694
Weight 1,824 kg
Max Loading Capacity -
Sub Ref No KEB1910240802
You need to look up the Import Regulation of your country for this vehicle. The actual dimension,M3 and Weight may differ from the above one.